The bulk of my freelance work in 2024 has been with Princeton University. I have had the good fortune of being referred to several departments, such as: the Office of Innovation, Chemistry and the Office of Communications, as well as other groups outside the University proper.
Stellarator Fusion Energy, David Gates
Office of Innovation
I closely collaborated with Princeton University's Office of Innovation to produce and shoot this video featuring physicist, David Gates, and his work on fusion energy. The client provided a simple script with approved quotes from the interview and left the editing, sourcing stock footage and music to me. The client was particularly pleased with how I designed the transitions and text graphics. This video can be viewed on YouTube here.
Vanishing Magnetic Fields Improve Chip Manufacturing — Ahmed Diallo
Office of Innovation
This video features another Princeton University physicist, Ahmed Diallo, who designed a new way to manufacture silicon chips. The big challenge was how to visualize the process since it could not be filmed and no stock footage exists. Guided by their expertise and feedback, I designed and animated a conceptual representation of how the technology works. The client has received overwhelming positive feedback on how it turned out. This video can be viewed on YouTube here.
Princeton Chemistry ssNMR Facility
Department of Chemistry
This video documents the installation of a solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometer (ssNMR) in Princeton University's Frick Chemistry Laboratory. The production spanned several months of interviews and filming b-roll at various stages of completion. The client relied on me to create a cohesive story and look from the hours of interviews and b-roll. A 60-second cutdown for social media was also part of the project. This video is featured on Princeton University's Chemistry website here.
Celebrate Princeton University 2024
Princeton Innovation
A visually dynamic slideshow used to increase attendance at Princeton University's annual "Celebrate Princeton Innovation" event. The video was featured in email and social media campaigns, and it was used to kickoff the event itself. The client provided all the images and I was tasked to produce the entire video, from animation and motion graphics to photo and song selection. It was my idea to intercut a few stock images to break up the monotony of event photos.
Bring Them Home
Chabad House of Princeton University
With less than 24 hours notice, I was on campus filming a very emotional student demonstration featuring multiple Israeli IDF speakers. Capturing their stories and the surrounding b-roll required a very "run-'n'-gun" approach. The client gave me total creative control in the edit and I produced a piece that matched the somber reality of the event balanced with the unbroken optimism of those in attendance. I also gave the client square and vertical versions of the video for various social media uses.
Bring Them Home
Office of Communication
For the 2021 and 2022 commencements, the Office of Communication hired me to help support their videography needs. I played an essential role in capturing b-roll on the ground before, during and after the ceremonies. Some of the footage I captured is featured in this video.

North Hunterdon Jr Lions Football
I produce and manage all the social media for the North Hunterdon Jr Lions football program. I initiated creating an Instagram account which has grown beyond 250 followers in just two seasons. Examples of weekly content include: live game highlights (posted as IG stories) recap videos, game flyers and seasonal promos. I also handle incoming questions from prospective registrants and escalate concerns to the appropriate persons.
The following videos are examples from the 2024 season.
The following images are examples of game flyers from the 2024 season.

Apron and Overalls YouTube Channel
My wife, seven children and I have our own YouTube channel, Apron and Overalls, which features long-form homesteading and farming videos. Our content is aimed at entertaining rather than educating. In less than one year, our channel has earned over 800 followers. I include this only to further demonstrate my experience in creating content for YouTube and Instagram. This particular venture has taught me a lot about YouTube's Content ID feature and how to correctly license music and dispute copyright claims.
Below is our channel trailer and our most popular video.
I hope this portfolio sufficiently qualifies me for an interview. I would very much like to explore how I can support Princeton University in creating high-quality video content. Please contact me by email at sean@seanschools.com or by phone at 845.701.9540.